Adirondack Chair Building for Intermediate Woodworkers- July 27-30, 2020


Class Instructors: Bob Buric and Matt Filler

Class tuition:

  • Without room & board – $475
  • With room & board – $875

In this 4-day class, students will each build their own Adirondack Chair using The Carpenter’s Boat Shop’s original design called the “Pemaquid Style.”   This class is for intermediate woodworkers with basic proficiency with power tools.  Additional instruction to ensure the safe use of the table saw, radial arm saw, jointer, and shaper table will be provided.  Class will meet from 8am to 4pm daily. Lunch is provided in the class tuition.

$100 deposit required to register for a class.  Remaining balance is due by June 26.

SKU: BBSP-1-1 Category: